A New Drive – Day 3 & 4 – Kerbstones
Day 3 of our new drive, and the workmen think that the camera is keeping tabs on them. It’s not, it was just a good excuse for some time lapse photography and a way for use to see the transformation taking place as we couldn’t be there whilst the work was taking place.
Nothing actually happened on Wednesday as it was too wet for laying and cementing in kerbstones, so that job was postponed until the Thursday. There was only one guy on site as well and he was left to lay the kerbstones all on his own. He got on well with it though and had most of them finished by the time we got home.
New Drive Day 3 – Kerbstone Timelapse
- A Sunny Day for Working
- Straight Edges
He then continued on Friday. Anna and Morgan were home on Friday so got to see them at work, and Prys who is organising it all for us also turned up to check out the kerbstone work, make a few adjustments and reminders for the kerbstone man and had a chat with Anna. All seems to be going well. The kerbstones are now finished.
Prys will be back on Monday to spread out the finer graded base material and level everything off ready for the tarmac itself which should hopefully be laid sometime next week. Prys is also going to finish of the edges for us and slope the surrounding soil / lawn in towards the kerbs and install a gravelled drainage area along the far edge of the drive. Once that’s done and the tarmac is laid we’ll have a nice new drive. We’ll then have to work on the rest of the front garden to make it all look nice and finished.
New Drive Day 4 – Kerbstones
Morgan helped with the video editing on day 4 and chose the music too. Hope you like it.